NPD Co-Parenting

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Flexible Rates

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8 888 123 15 66

Business Solutions

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Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday 8.00-17.00
  • Saturday 9.30-17.30
  • Sunday 9.30-15.00

Everyone in the family court system who has a hand in deciding the fate of a child should recognize the positive correlation between Cluster B personality disorders and high-conflict divorce. Having narcissistic personality disorder (or any Cluster B disorder) does not simply mean that one has an inflated ego, it means that this individual thrives on conflict. It also means that this person poses a significant danger to the healthy parent and the children. He or she will appear as Dr. Jeykell in the courtroom and will resume their true identity of Mr. Hyde outside of the courtroom doors. This individual sees the children as a weapon to continue to control and abuse the healthy parent. The ultimate way to inflict pain on the healthy parent is to hurt, or worse, murder the children. 

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